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2017年 第四期

【字体大小】 [] [] []2018-07-23 10:23


04 用社会主义核心价值观引领伊斯兰教中国化方向/本刊记者

Guiding the Localization of Islam in China with Socialist Core Values

06 中国化方向是我国伊斯兰教生生不息的必由之路/杨发明

Localization is the Inevitable Course for Islam in China

10 我国伊斯兰教要体现中国品格/马劲

Islam in China Should Display Chinese Qualities

14 中国传统文化与宗教


Traditional Chinese Culture and Religions: The Peculiarity and Positioning of Chinese Islamic Culture

经学Study of the Islamic Classic

18 艾什尔里教义学派与中国伊斯兰教/ 从恩霖

Al-Ash’ariyyah School and Islam in China

22 经学与经学思想建设刍议/马贵平

Attempting Discussion on Ulum al-Quran and Its Ideological Construction

专题Special Subject

24 明清伊斯兰学者对“礼拜”诠释的初探/冯峰

Exploration into the Interpretations to Prayers by Islamic Scholars in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

28 “以儒诠经”的历史启示/丁继光

Historical Inspirations from “Interpreting Islamic Scriptures with Confucianism” Movement


31 伊斯兰神秘主义论人:卧里、完人和伊玛目 /黑志燕

Islamic Mysticism on Human Beings: Saint, Perfect Man and Imam

36 新浪微博穆斯林博主的类型与社会价值/张晓宇

Types and Social Values of Micro-bloggers


39 中国伊斯兰教界的国际交往及其现实意义 /丁俊

The International Communication of Chinese Islamic People and Its Realistic Meaning

44 防暑降温:朝觐人员不容忽视的安全防护/古丽米热·肉孜

Heatstroke Prevention: Non-negligible Safety Measures for Hajjis

47 朝觐的重要事项/欧麦尔·阿卜杜拉·卡密勒著 韩积善译

Important Matters of Hajj


48 哈德成阿訇生平述略(下)/郭成美

Brief Account of the Life of Imam Ha Decheng (II)

53 从马坚理解中国回族知识分子的心史/马成明

Interpreting Chinese Hui Scholar’s History of Heart: Taking Ma Jian as An Example


56 中国化语境下的伊斯兰教研究(上)


Islamic Study in the Context of the Localization in China (I): An Interview with Zhou Xiefan


60 善行斋月:穆斯林分享之月/敏俊卿韩积善

Charitable Deeds in Ramadan: A Month of Sharing for Muslims

文苑 Literary Garden

62 回望旧城/敏洮舟

Looking back on the Old Town of Lintan County

译介 Translations

66 幸福的炼金术(二) /安萨里著 马正峰译

Alchemy of Happiness(II)

71 公正的天平(三) /安萨里著王伟译

A Fair Scale (III)

域外 Overseas Stories

74 埃及作家陶菲格文学叙事的思想维度/ 丁钰梅

Ideological Dimension of Egyptian Writer Tawfig al-Hakim’s Literary Narration


77 传播和平文化、打击恐怖主义


Fostering the Culture of Peace and Countering Terrorism: A Record of the 27th Conference of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs in Egypt
