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2017年 第五期

【字体大小】 [] [] []2018-07-23 10:25


04 李克强签署国务院令公布修订后的《宗教事务条例》/新华社

Li Keqiang Signs the State Council Decree to Release the Revised Regulations on Religious Affairs

05 新修订的《宗教事务条例》反映了宗教界的意愿/杨发明

The Newly-revised Regulations on Religious Affairs Reflects the Wish of the Religious People

08 伊斯兰教中国化的重要成果——汉文伊斯兰教著述概览 /金宜久

Islamic Works in Chinese: Achievements of the Localization of Islam in China


15 穆斯林怎样面对网络舆情/从恩霖

How Muslims Face the Online Public Sentiment

经学Study of the Islamic Classics

19 穆罕默德·阿里及其英文版《古兰经译解》/齐传洁 王根明

Muhammad Ali and His English Translation of the Holy Qur’an with Commentary

23 伊斯兰教前定的内涵与信仰前定 /李江民

Connotations and Faith of Predetermination in Islam


25 苏菲主义的“四分法”——以鲁米为例/(伊朗)好麦特

The Quartering of Sufism: In the Case of Rumi

29 伊斯兰教与维吾尔族医学/买托合提·居来提

Islam and Uyghur Medicine


32 伊协组织积极践行社会主义核心价值观的思考/穆可发

Thinkings on the Islamic Associations’ Efforts in Practicing the Socialist Core Values

34 贵州伊斯兰教坚持中国化方向的经验/桂希江

Experience of Guizhou Province in Insisting on the Localization of Islam in China

钩沉 Memories

36 民国时期南京回族社会活动中的对话尝试/洪伟

Dialogues Carried out in the Hui Social Activities in Nanjing during the Republic of China


41 学兼文武的马明达先生/赵殿红

Mr. Ma Mingda: A Knowledgeable Martial Art Master


46 中国化语境下的伊斯兰教研究(下)


Islamic Study in the Context of the Localization in China (II): An Interview with Zhou Xiefan


51 西安回坊:丝路上的文化明珠 /梁黎

The Hui Community in Xi’an: A Cultural Pearl on the Silk Road

55 山巷清真寺之一日行与思/刘亚红

Thoughts on One Day’s Trip to Shanxiang Mosque

文苑 Literary Garden

59 祖国颂——大地/郭宝光

Ode to the Homeland

61 悬崖上的独舞/君悦

Solo Dance on the Cliff

65 译海拾贝/李海钦 保利山译

Translated Literary Writings

译介 Translations

66 《古兰经》研究评述(上)/安德鲁·里平著 马睿智 译

Review of Qur’anic Studies(I)

70 公正的天平(四) /安萨里著王伟译

A Fair Scale (IV)

域外 Overseas Stories

73 伊斯兰对幸福的定义和体验(上)/赛义德·穆罕默德·纳吉布·阿塔斯 著


Meaning and Experience of Happiness in Islam(I)

悦读Book Review

78 《白河逝水》结构的审美意义/米寿江

Aesthetic Meaning of the Plot of the Novel The Running Water of the White River
