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2017年 第六期目录

【字体大小】 [] [] []2018-07-23 10:27

卷首语 Editor’s Notes

04 不负新时代 实现新作为


Make New Achievements in the New Era: Congratulations on the 19th National Congress of the CCP


05 新时代赋予我国伊斯兰教事业新使命/杨发明

The New Era Endows China’s Islamic Cause with the New Mission

08 新时代开启我国伊斯兰教事业新征程


The New Era Starts the New Journey for China’s Islamic Cause: China’s Islamic Circle Keeps a Watchful Eye on the 19th National Congress of the CCP

11 中国穆斯林媒体公约

Chinese Muslim Media Convention

12 全国穆斯林媒体齐聚昆明共商新时代社会责任/本刊记者

Chinese Muslim Media Meet in Kunming Discussing the Social Responsibility in the New Era


15 深入理解新修订《宗教事务条例》/从恩霖

In-depth Understanding of the Newly-revised Regulations on Religious Affairs

18 新修订《宗教事务条例》的重要意义与学习宣传/韩积善

The Significance of the Newly-revised Regulations on Religious Affairs and the Ways to Study and Popularize It


21 当前伊斯兰教研究需要注意的几个问题/哈宝玉

Several Questions the Current Islamic Studies Need to Focus on

经学Study of the Islamic Classics

23 《菲格亥·艾克伯尔》及其中道思想/杨志中

Figh Akbar and Its Middle Path Thought



From the Debate on One or More to the Debate on Having or Not: The Changes in Recognition of Ontology of Liu Zhi’s Tian Fang Xing Li

30 艾什尔里派与马图里迪派教义学说的对比研究/[埃及]艾哈迈德

A Comparative Study of the Doctrines of Al-Ash’ariyyah and Al-Maturidiyyah


34 北京通州回族社区及其文化价值——以十八个半截胡同为例/于洪

Tongzhou Hui Community in Beijing and Its Cultural Value: In the Case of the Eighteen Half-length Alleys

38 宁夏经堂教育现状及发展对策/马燕 马金宝 刘伟

The Status Quo and Development Strategy of the Mosque Education in Ningxia

钩沉 Memories

40 《渭城里大寺碑》记载的经学传系(上)/乌志鸿

Qur’anic Education Lineage Recorded in Weichengli Mosque Monument


44 回忆和沙坎·吾买尔老师一起的日子/胡振华

Memories of Being with Mr. Shakan Omar

48 怀念马去病教授/丁仁孝

Memories of Professor Ma Qubing


50 全球视野里的中国伊斯兰教研究——金宜久研究员访谈/敏俊卿 帕林达

Islamic Studies in a Global Vision: An Interview with the Research Fellow Jin Yijiu

文苑 Literary Garden

54 译海拾贝 /陈巨军 李海钦 马双喜译

Pears in Translations

55 朝觐,一次心灵的洗礼/韩雪莉

Hajj: Purification of the Soul

译介 Translations

61 《古兰经》研究评述(下)/安德鲁·里平著 马睿智译

Review of Qur’anic Studies(II)

65 公正的天平(五)——对称天平中的大天平 /安萨里著 王伟译

A Fair Scale(V): The Big Scale in the Symmetrical Scales

域外 Overseas Stories

68 伊斯兰对幸福的定义和体验(下)

/赛义德·穆罕默德·纳吉布·阿塔斯著 马立武译

Meaning and Experience of Happiness in Islam(II)

悦读Book Review

73 弘扬中正之道 阐发时代精神

——兼评金宏伟阿訇编译的《主麻演讲精选》 /丁俊

Popularize the Middle Path and Interpret the Zeitgeist: Preface to The Selected Juma Wa’z Compiled and Translated by Imam Jin Hongwei


75 湖北省坚持伊斯兰教中国化方向研讨会综述/马秉仁

Summary of the Hubei Province’s Symposium on Sticking to the Localization of Islam in China

77 2017年总目录
